Wedding readings are a lovely way to bring your relationship to life for your wedding guests. We’re often asked for advice or suggestions. Here are a few wedding readings we love.
#5. “Union” by Robert Fulghum
From the master at explaining life and love in a kindergartener’s words, his simple, no-nonsense words just make sense, in such a charming way.
#4. Biblical passages other than 1st Corinthians
This is worth a detailed explanation, so watch for it on our blog in the upcoming weeks!
#3. “The Art of Marriage” by Wilferd A. Peterson
Old-school, timeless, and beautiful, this checks a lot of boxes for a sweet familiar message filled with gems to consider and contemplate.
#2. “Captain Corelli’s Mandolin” by Louis de Bernieres
This is one for the poets, for the creatives, for the slightly wacky. It’s different and even a bit dark. But for the right couple, it’s original and interesting.
#1. “Gift from the Sea” by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Lindbergh was so forward-thinking in her beliefs of love and relationships, and she relates everything to the sea in this beautiful book. Her words are absolutely perfect for a beach ceremony on a tropical island. They will carry with you long after your wedding day. We often use them for reflection and meditation in our own lives.
We hope this list helps you choose the perfect wedding reading for your ceremony!
Photo: AJR Photography LLC